Conversion Rate
Your conversion rate is the percentage of website visitors you get as a result of your Marketing Fuel plan. Certain building blocks have a higher conversion rate than others.
Direct Observations
Companies with established Brands tend to have a lot of direct traffic, which demonstrates the importance of building your brand voice and recognition locally.
Organic Observations
Organic traffic has the biggest influence on searches for new companies. Constantly adding new content to your site keeps it not only relative in searches but also helps search engines to crawl your new keywords and sentences. One blog per month barely maintains your organic traffic. Supplementing your blogs with multiple shorter snippets with detailed SEO helps to feed your search faster.
Referral Observations
Link building for referral traffic helps to feed your online search for a longer period of time. Link-building takes a lot of time initially, and is a complicated process to set in place, but if maintained it is a strong ally to help your new startup look bigger and sort better online.
Social Observations
Social traffic accounts for the least amount of online traffic. Although the results may be minimal there is evidence that social traffic influences direct and organic search results. This shows cross pollination with social traffic feeding other traffic sources.
Social traffic is also crucial for programming the system on how to sort your company using EMD Algorithm principles when you have consistency between your domain and social vanities.
Social Media Management
Clients can help to increase their conversion rate with proper social media management.
Clients with a small social following can also push posts through to related groups. When done with consideration and in a non-invasive manner this process enables your posts to be seen by many people. This helps to drive new followers to your social pages as well as clicks and traffic to your website.